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Brevard Health Alliance Logo

Amanda Sledz, PA-C


  • Family Medicine


  • Malabar


  • Degree: Masters of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
  • School: Le Moyne College

Languages Spoken:

  • English


Amanda Sledz is a provider (PA-C) that specializes in psychiatric and geriatric health. She treats all psychiatric conditions including Anxiety, Depression, Mood disorders, Schizoaffective disorders, personality disorders, ADHD/ADD, and autism. She is comfortable treating addiction and opiate use disorder with or without MAT. Amanda is comfortable with treatment of HIV and Hepatitis C as well as transgender care for men and women. She also specializes in geriatric health for anyone age 65+. She treats postmenopausal woman who desire hormone replacement therapy for women and HRT for men. She is comfortable with all procedures except gynecological surgical procedures such as colposcopies, IUD and Nexplanon implantation, vulvular/endometrial biopsies.  She does not specialize in skin disorders but does complete shave and punch biopsies as necessary.

Family Medicine



775 Malabar Road, Suite 105
Malabar, FL 32950


All Services, Call or Text: 321-241-6800

Central Fax: 321-241-6890

See All Providers


775 Malabar Rd suite 105, Malabar, FL 32950, USA

Healthcare for You and Your Family